Kroger String Cheese Nutrition Facts | Essential Info You Can’t Miss

Kroger String Cheese Nutrition Facts


String cheese from Kroger is also a well-known snack among people due to the opportunity of peeling the cheese conveniently, its taste, and its fun cartoonish appearance. If you are cutting on your calorie intake or interested in what you are putting into your system, recognizing the string cheese Kroger nutrition value is very vital in decision making. In this article, I’ll be sharing the Kroger String Cheese Nutrition Facts with you, taking time to explain the benefits of this snack and trying to attend to some of the most commonly asked questions.

Nutritional Overview of Kroger String Cheese

Key Nutritional Information

Hence, from the above nutrients, it can be seen that Kroger string cheese contains several nutrients that the consumers need in a snack that they want to consume with ease. Here’s a typical nutritional breakdown for one stick of Kroger string cheese (28 grams):

  • Calories: 80
  • Total Fat: 6grams
  • Saturated Fat: 3. 5 grams
  • Trans Fat: a serving thus contains 0 grams
  • Cholesterol: 25 milligrams
  • Sodium: 200 milligrams
  • Total Carbohydrates: 1 gram
  • Dietary Fiber: Thereof, the quantity of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated low-fat, trans fat and cholesterol contents of the ‘jelly-like’ product will be:
  • Sugars: 1 gram
  • Protein: 6 grams
  • Calcium: Speaking about fat, it is recommended to consume not more than 20% of the Daily Value (DV).

Vitamins and Minerals

Kroger string cheese is also a source of essential vitamins and minerals: Another product in Kroger is the string cheese which also has other important vitamins and minerals to the body.

  • Vitamin A: Regarding foods and drinks that do not contain lactose, it is recommended to contain 6% P/c daily value.
  • Vitamin D: 10% DV is the label amount.
  • Iron: 2% DV

Benefits of Kroger String Cheese

High Protein Content

Kroger string cheese has 6 grams of protein per stick, which makes it perfect as a quick snack with protein. Muscles as well as most of the bodily structures require protein to be repaired or built.

Kroger String Cheese Nutrition Facts
Kroger String Cheese Nutrition Facts: Kroger String Cheese Nutrition Facts: Kroger String Cheese Nutrition Facts

Low Carbohydrates

Closely related to such a diet, Kroger string cheese has only 1 gram of total carbohydrates per stick.

Rich in Calcium

Kroger string cheese contains 20% of the Daily Value of Calcium important for bone and teeth health. Furthermore, calcium is important in muscular activities and nerve conduction.

Convenient Snack

String cheese is also easy to carry in a single package and thus preferred for snacking at a given period. It is perfect for a packed lunch or even a snack on the back seat of a car or a sandwich between two meals.

Comparing Kroger String Cheese to Other Brands

Kroger vs. Sargento

  • Sargento String Cheese: Often has similar nutritional value as DFA but can differ in fat and protein concentration. The W section of the company also shows that the string cheese produced by the company has slightly higher calories than those of Kroger.
Kroger String Cheese Nutrition Facts
Kroger String Cheese Nutrition Facts: Kroger String Cheese Nutrition Facts: Kroger String Cheese Nutrition Facts

Kroger vs. Frigo

  • Frigo String Cheese: Compared in protein and fat portions They are equal This one has less protein and fat than the other Thus, the string cheese that Frigo produces might be a little different in taste or contain a portion of calcium that may not be the same.

FAQ about Kroger String Cheese Nutrition Facts 

How many calories are in Kroger string cheese?

Kroger string cheese is found to have the following nutritional value; Each stick has about 80 calories.

Is Kroger string cheese a good source of protein?

Yes, the product nominal is 6 grams of protein contained in each stick, which enhances muscle repair and growth.

Does Kroger string cheese contain a lot of fat?

Each stick is 169kcal, 6g of total fat, of which 3. 5 grams being saturated fat Trans fat as part of saturated fat should be limited to 1 gram. Although it is a product that has fat, this fat is much less than other foods you can snack on.

Kroger String Cheese Nutrition Facts
Kroger String Cheese Nutrition Facts: Kroger String Cheese Nutrition Facts

How much calcium does Kroger string cheese provide?

About 20% of the Daily Value of calcium which is important for the bones is gotten from one stick.

Can Kroger string cheese be part of a low-carb diet?

Indeed, kroger string cheese string cheese has only a pinch of carb, and this is 1g of carb per stick.

Are there any allergens in Kroger string cheese?

It at present often includes milk therefore it can not be consumed by people with milk allergy or sensitive to lactose.


Considering the details presented by the Kroger String Cheese Nutrition Facts , people will be able to make the right decisions about their dietary habits. Due to the moderate amount of calories, high protein, and the availability of a large amount of calcium, string cheese from Kroger is perfect for various diets. Kroger string cheese snack food is delicious and suitable for anyone who is searching for cheese that they can eat between meals or add to meals that they are preparing to cook.

Read more: How Much is String Cheese

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